Cheshire WI – Social Media Training Day
After building their website many moons ago, we have kept in close touch with the Cheshire Federation of Women’s Institutes and held several social media training sessions for their Board of Trustees, so we were overjoyed to be asked to host yet another workshop at their Chester headquarters.
Running two full-house sessions across the day, me and Sue brought our world of social media marketing to White Friars and to the even the most sceptical WI ladies who wanted to learn more. The women were of all ages, backgrounds and interests and had very different levels of social media understanding and its many benefits. What’s remarkable about this Federation of Women’s Institutes is the enthusiasm to learn and the understanding that the world is heading in a more and more digital direction and they need to keep up. The lifeblood of any WI group is new members, and to find them they require an online presence.
Our goal was to cover the basics of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to help recruit new members and showing those who may be interested in joining a local WI what remarkable stuff these ladies get up to.
From craft workshops, to theatre trips and fun days, these ladies are always doing fun and exciting projects which we think the world needs to see and potential new members do too. The Women’s Institute is over 100 years old and they realise they need to adapt to current trends to make sure they maintain their longevity.
We now live in an age of digital research. Before taking the leap of joining a group such as the Women’s Institute, we research online, we check out their website, we have a poke around on their social media and, most importantly, we make an emotional connection before we’ve even stepped through the door. This internet voyeurism (for lack of a better term) can make or break how a potential new member may feel about joining their local WI group.
We helped the ladies garner a greater understanding of social media, how to properly set up their pages across the various platforms and why it is the next vital step to keep the Women’s Institute alive and well and relevant to the 21st century. We showed them how to populate their channels with pictures and updates of the latest goings on within the Cheshire WI Federation. This is the sort of thing potential new members are wanting to see.
We wish to thank all members who took the time to attend our workshops and we hope to see you soon. If you are interested in seeing how we can help you with social media training, please see or social media training page for more information. Take a look at our video of the day:
Give us a bell or drop us a line. For website design, digital marketing, web hosting, graphic design for print and SEO, contact us for a chat about how we can help you and your business.